Simply delicious Vegan Breakfast ideas

After nearly two months of eating a plant-based diet I thought I would share my favourite vegan breakfast recipes so far. I’ve really enjoyed trying different recipes but it hasn’t always gone well. I tried quite a few vegan pancake recipes that really didn’t work! I had a particular disaster making vegan ‘crepes’ that I just…

Nutty Cacao Balls

I still get surprised at how regularly my kids need a little snack. As they are so active, I find their energy levels can drop really quickly. One minute they seem fine and suddenly I’ll have a screaming toddler, who will not listen and give me no clue as to what is wrong. With time, I’ve…

Creamy Courgette & Coconut Soup

Every year I seem to plant way too many courgettes. I don’t know why I do it, I think I just forget how much each plant produces and I like to have different varieties. So, I always have to try to think of new ways to use my courgettes. This year, one of my favourite recipes…

Do I really want my toddler to drink Cow’s milk?

My little boy will be turning one in a few weeks time, how time flies. I recently saw the health visitor for his development check and she asked me whether I would be starting him on cow’s milk after he turns one. Without really thinking about it I said yes as this is what I…

Date & Coconut biscuits (Sugar- free)

My new favourite thing to do with my daughter is to bake biscuits & cookies. She loves it… it’s like Play Dough but she’s allowed to have a  taste and enjoy the results. Predictably her favourite word is now ‘cookie’ but I don’t want her to eat too many sweet treats.  The problem with most…